Khaos Explained

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Cleveland, Like the Simpsons I'll let you guess which one, United States

Monday, September 21

It's been awhile...

But i asure you i have not abandoned you, just been a a little busy. I have found myself amongst like minds lately and i am about to start a more active chapter in my life. I will start with Friday night when i took a look at my planner (a time management project for class) and relized i was doing it again. My life was once again starting to become a monotony of work, school, and home without any thought of devoting time to me. I promised Jezz i would take more time to learn more about me, and devote more time to things that i liked for the sole purpose of my own enjoyment. Yet i was at a block, i had noted the problem but what would i do about it. Then looking through my email i ran over that letter again. The one from a local BDSM group, inviting me to the next meeting that just so happen to be the next day. Fate at work. I had been putting it off for two months and i decided to take a chance and go. There was nothing i had to lose, i had discused it with Jezz weeks ago and had only been making excuses not to go, so i went. It was better that i had imagined, no one made me feel unwelcome or left out. The classes were informative and valid, and i even met some interesting people. I will give you the details another night, but all in all i am glad i went.

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